Friday, August 15, 2008

Serenite Newsletter August 2008

(copy of inworld notecard)

Hello Serenite Friends and Visitors,

Just thought I would pen this note to let you know of sim changes that are underway. Get ready to see some major changes around Serenite and a complete overhaul of Annwn.

Don’t Panic! I know that Serenite has long been a haven for many, and I do not intend to loose those qualities that make the sim what it is. It’s just been the same for such a long time that I am feeling the need to evolve it as I and my texturing, building, and imaginings have evolved. Some of the favorite spots will be altered and moved to new locations to accommodate the land and structural changes I will be embarking on.

Things that will remain consistent are the sense of space, calm, quiet meditation, nature, long winding walking & riding paths, lingering spots, couple retreats, hidden spaces, celtic myths, and of course, piracy arrrr.

So then what is changing you ask, well I’ve embarked on a joint project with my long time SL build bud and friend, Baron Grayson. We are each in our own individual way exploring a mythological culture of our own design, it will be a blend of ancient, of technology, of myth, and lore, its inspiration in Celtic fae. (If your now saying to yourselves ‘Oh no, not another cutesy elf sim’ I say, with the two of us feeding off one another just you wait, ‘cute’ is not part of the equation ;) )

Annwn was always planned to be a place were reality fades as surreal nature takes over so this project is the push I needed to realize that dream, As you make the journey through the lands south from the Serenite hub, what was real fades, what was, dissolving into a surreal dream or to wherever your imagination chooses to let it take you. There are planned ample open RP settings and opportunities, the feel of the lands intentionally vague enough so that whether you are a role player or not you will not feel out of place when exploring, the ultimate goal being that whatever SL background you come from you will find places to call your own.

I am looking to push myself, so look for a bit of experimenting with ideas and shapes as things evolve. What may be a lake today may be a mountain the next day and a city the next, so don’t get too attached to anything, lol. If you are interested in watching as the changes evolve on both my sim of ‘Annwn’ and Baron’s sim, ‘The Nameless Isle’, you are welcome to wander the lands as we work on this joint yet individual project.

One must always create and reinvent or one stagnates and fades…


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